Apr 4, 2009

Podcast Discovery

I have already talked about the podcast feature of the omnipotent Nokia N82 before and I would like to reaffirm my stand that I'm a big fan of this and have been using it until now with new stations being discovered and added every now and then, their is no stopping for me.

I recently subscribe to the French for Beginners podcast which focus's on teaching the most romantic dialect in the world, French. I always wanted to know other languages specially French being a romantic guy myself, hahaha, that's according to my ex girlfriend, it was like a dream come true discovering this site, finally, a FREE French lesson.

As of the moment, I have listened to the first two session of the podcast giving me lessons on commonly used words for self introduction and conversation. I have always thought that its difficult learning the language based on the things I've heard about but it wasn't, its just a matter of using the right technique and this podcast teaches the easiest technique maybe of all. Thanks to the moderators of this podcast, I really learned so much from them.

Another great podcast that I have subscribe into was the Rex Navarete site. For those who don't have any idea who he was, he is a famous stand up comedienne in the Philippines and has been in the industry for quite some time. Call that vintage performer, top of the class, wouldn't it be nice also to laugh yourself out every once in a while?

Lastly, The Triple J: Raw Comedy Podcast, now guess what this podcast was all about? ....... Okay its not what you think it is, this is actually a live stand up comedy podcast that brings on the spot live acts. This is a regular radio show that hails from Australia being presented to a wider international audience via podcast. It was fun, trust me, I would not have stick to it for months now if I didn't find it funny, okay maybe I have a short tickling sense of humor, maybe not.

I believe their were hundreds of podcast stations out there that needs to be discovered and I'll do my best to share with you my discoveries and maybe if you have some stations to share about, fell free to write a comment.

This will be all for now folks. Thanks for reading.


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