When you go on with your daily lives, haven't you tried at least observe things around you, I'm fun of doing this and I made quite a few discoveries along. Posters, most of the people I know don't really mind this stuff posted in walls, in fact some people even regard them as eyesores, maybe because there to busy thinking about their problems or there daily struggles in life not knowing how to pause for a while and enjoy the things that goes around.I would definitely conclude that only a few people at Dipolog Airport saw this signage posted on the wall, "Child-Sex Tourist". This is a campaign bolted by the Department of Tourism to protect Filipino children from being trap to the scrupulous world of sex trade. If I am a parent, this would definitely gives me a warning for the
existence of such crime thus gave guidance to my children for such acts, but unfortunately, majority of the people, parents at the airport didn't even looked at this poster. Their to busy toying around with their mobile phones or chatting with their acquaintances.
Ahhhh, this is a big eyesore for many people specially those who were aware that they have health and weight problems yet not doing anything about. Health guides and they were hundreds of this on community bulletin boards, clinics, health centers, hospitals, schools among others. I saw this poster on one of the clinics in Cebu City when I accompanied my sister to check his headache problems, and as I observe people in the room, few to nothing made notice of it to the point of reading it. Hmm, pretty darn since its because they didn't leave healthy lives as explained in the poster was the main reason why their there, seeking medical help.
More weird stuff to come, stay tuned!
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