Remember my "Bitter" article few days ago about N97's price, I believe it have brought a major shake up in Nokia's camp and decided to finally reduce the price tag of their upcoming flagship device, just kidding c",. The device is now price at 499 Euro in online mobile shops like and $699 in Nokia's very own shops together with flash Pre Order netters appearing in Nokia Websites serving countries like US, Spain, Italy, Germany and Sweden. It was originaly price at 540 Euro when the phone was announced last September 2008 but then Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM) marked the phone with 599 Euro few days ago that freaks everyone out.This is a big game changer on my part since I can now finalize my next phone upgrade zeroing on N97 white version (since I have N82 black at the moment, so it will be a black and white team up) alone and nothing else. You might have notice the heartbreak I have when early reports came in about N97's high tagged price, that's because I want the device so badly and putting a higher price stake on it destroys that dream and so are the millions of Nokia N97 fans all over the world. I would describe it as a burst of criticism pouring into Nokia's world that time from all fronts, Nokia stout supporters or not and that may have send a strong signal for them to finalize the price point to the minimum. I even send Twitter post to Nokia Conversations several times asking them to reconsider the price. Well, everything paid of and now I can own the device with no apprehension.
A new superstar will grace this blog by July and expect more and more N97 topics by then together with the omnipotent N82. Happy days are coming! c",
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