c", Then again I have thank my Lucky Stars, they have been very generous to me this past few days as I am again about to embark to another mobilephone experience by giving me an opportunity of a lifetime, to Trial my most awaited phone, the super cool and hip Nokia N97 Mini.Thanks to Phat^Trance of Daily Mobile and WOM World for giving me a huge favor, I have always been wanting to own this device ever since it was announce months ago, now the fancy becomes a reality. Surreal, Wow!
Its only a Trial though, my very first, which will be recalled by Nokia in due time, I hope not (hehe kidding!) because I have tons to plans for the phone, the bits by bits run down, daily chronicle, tests, video (maybe) among others like I what I usually do here until it gets NAKED! Recalling it back will be a big mistake Nokia! (kidding again) ;) But of course I am committed to return it and buy myself a unit after the trial, besides, I have already set aside a budget for the phone so Nokia doesn't need to worry, it will be well taken care of.
Now again, the wait starts, maybe in a week's time, please send it right away Nokia! Can't imagine when that time comes, it's a mile different when your expecting a phone that you dreamt of owning rather than the not so.. Will I have another cut and bruise incident while opening the box or an Oscar hysterical moment? Stay tuned to find out! c", For Now enjoy this Demo of the Nokia N97 Mini.
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