It a definitive question to address specially amidst the presence of more high spec mobilephone from competitors and from Nokia's very own, the N900, why do I choose the Nokia N97 Mini than the rest? Simple, it has all the best feature that I wanted in a mobile phone wrap into a very attractive design and good value price point.Yes, the phone lags behind in terms of specs having only an ARM 11 processor with 434Mhz speed, 5MP Camera, resistive touchscreen among others but the problem is, this specs where more than enough for me to perform the task I want.
A Snapdragon 1Ghz speed in a mobilephone seemed cool or the 12MP camera with autofocus and zoom, the capacitative touchs UI among others but then how can I make use of all this feature if I don't often browse the web using my mobilephone or use the phones camera for casual snap ups only without the intent at all to put any artistic shoots whatsoever, isn't this extra specs just a waste of money and resources?
I've been using high end phones for the past 2 years with WIFI but still, majority of my web browsing is done through my laptop. I may have write most of my post using my phone but editing them still happens on my laptop so why do I need a Snapdragon 1Ghz then? I have also use my phones Camera for any images taken for my blog but the 5MP Carl Zeiss have already give me the best images I need so why do I want a 12MP camera, isn't it again unnecessary? You see, not all upgrades where necessary, amidst all this freaky insurgence of technological advancement, all things will still end up to how "wise" a person is in choosing whats best for him/her.
I call N97 Mini the best value all around touchscreen phone to date, no fuss, base on spec sheets but it will still be proved, I have a Trial unit coming so lets see if it lives up to my expectation, watch this space.
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