Death have hovered to my family lately, my aunt just died and was brought to rest last Wednesday. She was 75 years old, eldest among the brood and the only woman, may she rest in peace.During her necromonial mass, the priest shared a very funny thought about death and life in death in his homily. According to him, supposedly, there should be no shedding of tears during my aunt’s funeral specially that she died late because she had already prepared for it being an elderly. Well, it’s given that most of the people who go to church every Sunday were elderly so she somehow had already spent his remaining life in preparation for her death. What we should be worried about was the person setting beside us, if that person has prepared himself/herself from impending death, it should be them that we should shed a tear for.
True! Anyone of us could die anytime soon, but being young, we don’t seemed to care about life after death, all we care about at the moment is our survival and our worldly pleasure. On my part, I don’t even go to church that much, it’s like I’m busy all the time and that I don’t have time to even pray. c”, All I’m worried about was my work, my credit card (haha!), my growing weight and my love life! It’s like a bulls eye hit and I can’t quilt because I’m guilty myself. I don’t have any other choice that time but to laugh about it just like most of the people who heard it. Yes laugh, we all laughed about it!
Life, resonating from the cut throat reality, I was reawaken somehow, that from now on, I should live not only for the sake of living but also for dying, that I should see through the harsh reality that being human thrives on the soul to live and that this very soul will lived beyond the living, what my soul could be up for eternity will be reflected on how I live my life at the moment… or that I should stop this post now before scaring you all! I only care for you that’s all! So laugh! :D
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