You've read it right folks, my Go Green Shopping List Application idea was Shortlisted by Nokia to vie for the 12 winning slot allotted for the Make My App Contest. It made it to number 3 in the ranking, c", I never imagine that it can reach this far.Well I did campaign for it using my Twitter accounts and here in the blog but I thought it wasn't sufficient enough to gain a traction. Oh well, a lot of people might have like it so they voted for it. Shout outs goes to the voters, you made your stand to save mother earth by wanting to have a mobile application that can guide you with the products you should be buying that wont hurt the very place we lived. Imagine a world were all the things were using are harmless to the environment, it would be a perfect place to settle.
So far, voting for the application was already closed, and well just have to wait for the judgment day which will be on June 27th. There will be 12 ideas that will be made into apps at the Nokia World event in September. Hopefully my application will make it all the way, cross my finger!
If you want to join the contest CLICK HERE!
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