As techy as I be, I have survive a week with Nokia 2220 Slide in tow! Aside from giving my Nokia N82 a breather to rest and to be missed, I gauged the phones usability in reference to my tech connectivity needs.I use my phone heavily for calls and text having an unlimited service plan. The phones call capability delivers a clear and loud incoming voice calls that can hardly be missed by single word. My 2 year old Nokia N82 at the moment have a problem in this area, sometimes I cannot hear my caller and often use the loudspeaker instead. The phone basically gave me a temporary lay way but may soon have to be address. Text/SMS is a breeze on the phone with its easy and user friendly messaging interface. I have found out though that the phone cannot attach MP3 files on it as it does not recognize the file. It made file transfer more difficult as it doesn’t have a USB cable. But then taken all this to the account, the phone passed this category with flying colors.
To equate with call and text usage on my phone is mobile internet. I love to use it to connect online and stay updated for the rest of the day to check emails, update my blog, surf or connect to social networking site via Wifi which I freely enjoy at work and via EDGE/GPRS when I’m at home. Power draining as it is but I need to be updated to all of this as much as possible. My N82 can flawlessly cover this area with ease having connectivity options on par with the best and the current but on Nokia 2220 Slide, its closer to none. Yes the phone had GPRS that is capable enough to connect online but my place is far from the city that could give a faster connection leaving its package browser, Opera Mini, difficultly to connect. Opera Mini won’t even open on my N82 using EDGE/GPRS so I am not surprise at all the it won’t open on the 2220. It would have been better if Nokia put it own browser to the phone because it’s capable in connecting online even in weak signal. But anyways, the email connects flawlessly under the messaging feature. It’s rather easy also to set it up by just supplying your email address and password. On these criteria, the phone failed big time with only the email feature as a saving grace.
Other connectivity feature that I often used but rather not important, Bluetooth which is not included in the phone.
Overall, the phone is a failure when it comes to satisfying my connectivity needs but it’s rather not left out as it is. Given the fact that I survive a week of using it is something for the phone to brag about. It’s not easy for a phone price below 3thousand to please tech people but the Nokia 2220 Slide takes a huge leap forward as cheap and temporary alternative, who wouldn’t want to earn this acumen?
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