A new member of the house takes the center stage, the Nokia X1-01, my younger sisters shinny new phone which she brought out of my convincing power, kidding.., but really, being knowledgeable in mobilephones, I believe it was the best phone that suites her lifestyle and personality and I'm very right because she is currently loving and enjoying the phone to the fullest.My impression, having a personal quick hands-on experience, I thought it was great for an entry level device with a low price point. Its small, sturdy and very handy that it feels good to touched. Its wrapped in a shiny plastic in front so you would never worry about keypad prints wearing out and speaking of keypad, it actually have a very good tactile feedback making it easy and fun to use.
The back part of the phone looks and feels like a high grade plastic which is interchangeable. Its scratch prone but I believe there will be lots of replacement covers sold in the market so it wouldn't be a problem, or better yet, buy a protective case which can also be brought everywhere.
I also found out that the phone is good in capturing SIM signal. Compared to my dual SIM cherry mobile phone that I use for my reloading business, I get signals from dead zone areas which I never had before.
Of course the best feature of the phone is its music player. It has no more than the best sound quality in the market on a 106phon mark. Its loudest mobilephone speaker I've heard so far that after I pitted it to the Nokia C7's speaker, the phone was silence by the X1-01's beat, and its not just loud, its even way clearer. I wish Nokia N8 has these speakers, it would have been perfect. Music control on the left side is a great feature for the phone making it easy to forward or repeat songs but it lacks outside volume control. It was designated on the DPad which becomes inaccessible when the phone is locked.
Lots of fun and simple games were also installed like Snakes Xenzia, Sudoku, Beach Rally, Music League, Keyboard Master and Tone Wizard, making the phone a fun companion.
Battery life is glorious on X1-01, it could last more than 4 days straight without charge on regular use. According to the specs provided by Nokia, it could last up to a 1032 hours standby time, that's more than 43 days long! Incredible but needs to be proven, righty?
The rest of the very usable feature includes the Flashlight, Calculator, FM stereo and memory card slot capable of handling 16GB, that's thousands of songs to be saved and listened to.
The phone can be brought for PhP1,760.00 in retail stores, amazing low price for a basic power phone. I will be definitely be getting one soon to replace my current dual sim phone reloader.
Anyways, of you want to know more about the phone, see the Full Specs Here! For the meantime enjoy the following images of the phone. More info about the phone coming, keep it right here.
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