Time really fly fast, it was only a few months ago that the Nokia World 2011 was celebrated in grand with the launched of services, accessories and devices likes the Nokia Lumia 800 and 710, the Nokia Asha 303, Nokia Purity Stereo Headsets among others, now they are geared for another event that always changed mobilephone landscape.Speaking of change, Nokia Conversations reports that they have made several changes in the said event; instead of a single, large-scale event, they now will run a number of smaller, more intimate events with specific audiences in mind and it will take place on September 5-6 instead of September 25-26 in Helsinki. These intimate events is said to provide the most enjoyable and rewarding experience tailored for each audience.
Well, I like the idea of making events specific and intimate for participants but on the other hand, grandness aside, it gives people a real view of the current standing of the company, that they need to cut cost and I'm with them on these. I believe it will just be temporary as they make there way back to the mainstream.
On the change of date, I think they’re on to something BIG that they cannot wait longer for it to be revealed. Windows Phone 8 maybe on phones and tablets as rumor describes it, or a new disruptive technology. If there is one company at the moment that is very eager to get back on track, it’s Nokia and they are not wasting any time to achieve this.
Good luck then, may such move serve its purpose.
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