Left, Right, Back or Front, I think my readers had known a lot of me having been a blogger “per se” for almost two years now. I have shared quite a lot of my geeky side and a bit of my personal and sensitive side (nope, not that!) but sensitive in a way that I get skin allergies every time a perfume of any kind hits me but that’s not what I want to share with you at the moment but this..As CRAZY as it may seemed but I had a scary side of me that I refuse to embraced. Yes it’s as scary as the picture on the right, but try to figure these out! c”, Have you seen a floating black lady passing in front of you or seeing a person in front of you while eating only to find out that that person had been dead for a few days without me knowing or being kick hard by an unknown entity while sleeping in the middle of the night that I shouted hard waking up or your soul bring pulled away from you body to the point that you seeing flashing of light and wind passing in front of you and seeing your body sleeping in bed after all the commotion. Ridiculous!?
How about dreaming somebody’s death and relieving the experience, the pain they felt that time, the people who killed them, the places it happened, etc? Well it had been happening and I call it a dream inside a dream that every time I woke up, I trembled in fear that I’m afraid to sleep back. I even have a notebook before listing all the unusual names, places and events that I dreamed about but I never had the courage to check them if there real. I believe my sixth sense (?) was opened when I got a near death experience with that soul grabbing thingy.It was one of the toughest part of my life because it almost consume me, my day to day activities were hampered because of lack of sleep, I cannot sleep in the dark because of fear that I might see weird stuffs, etc.
I can even say now that I’m not afraid of dying anymore because I experience death several times.
But that was long gone now because I promised myself not to dwell about it and deny that it’s happening no matter how real they are. Thanks to my ex GF’s mom, she was the one who told me to stop thinking and believing on it, that it doesn’t exist and must not exist because it will destroy my life. She was right, it doesn’t bother me much now and I’m very thankful for that.
If people would ask me if ghost or life after death was real, I would say No even if I know it’s real. I want to live a normal life and I deserve one.
You got to be kidding me? Its a big Joke? Hahaha, not!
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