The Nokia and Microsoft merger comes with no surprise to me, before the big announcement yesterday, buzz have been flying around stating the inevitable. Well it all comes to fruition and there is no turning back for the ones mighty Nokia.Thoughts on the current merger, this only proves how the company became so incapable from once upon a time, the leading company who drives innovation to presently a lame follower who cannot exist without the help of others.
Gone were the biggest research and development team in the industry harboring the biggest support fund, they have not delivered the best results and outcomes, they should be fired and burned with the rest of the top managers.
At the moment, Nokia had become just one of manufacturers in the industry, they have lost there individuality, they have lost there core and its all because of circumstances that would have been prevented. There is no distinction anymore, there is no difference and I hate it.
For the question as to if I would continue to support Windows Mobile 7 Powered Nokia device, its a big NO, I don't like the Operating System the moment it came out and I still don't like it now no matter how I would wanted to by watching tons of video samples.
What should Nokia do if I am on there toe, be aggressive, snatch all the best engineers and OS developers from other manufactures, offer them unparalleled salary and make them create the future Operating System of the industry. It's all about the money, nothing more, nothing less.
Nokia should aggressively develop Symbian to unimaginable scale, tons of supporters all over the world still believes in the operating system and adores it, Nokia must not let this people feel abandoned. Make it an elite OS, that if people hears about it in the future, they will think of Nokia and Nokia alone.
Well, enough of the rant, life goes on!
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