Aug 15, 2008

Love Malls, Greenbelt 3 The Next Episode

Welcome back to Greenbelt, the greenest mall of them all. Its pretty much known how dry malls had become this days, taking into the account the real purpose of it, sell and trade, but this mall defies these nomare. We have witness it was, let us discover more of it, here, now.

Greenbelt 3, southwest part of the mall can be define with the B crowd. The panorama view of the facade speaks for itself. Feel more?

Unique and Artistic, how do you explain this structure on the second floor lobby, a funnel to catch wind and rain, breather maybe, anyhow this mall is exploring anything they can to make used of the space, to express itself.

Greenbelt 3's ground floor lobby, typical, nothing special.

Ground floor hallway, the easiest way to find flowers in this part of the world. Who says flowers are out, but in the hallway.

Another panorama hallway overload of Greenbelt 3, second floor style. Restaurants and Coffee shops flood this part of the mall. Just choose from a wide rage of choices, Chinese, Italian, Thai etc.

Greenbelt 3 Cinema, one of the few attractions in this mall. Expensive though but worthed, carpeted floors, comfortable seat, best sorround sound, good ambiance.

We haven't move a bit with this next image, just left to where I'm standing at, the Cinema's main lobby, one of a kind, huge and high, and with chandeliers. I wonder how this looks like at night, I'll just comeback here next time with my soon to be mobile phone N82, this place will surely shine at its best with xenon flash.

Time zone, fun time at its best, creating a huge attraction among young market.

To wrap things up, Greenbelt 3 is something I'm not afraid to walk with, it doesn't intimidate regular people like me to roam around and shop. More enjoyable experience rather then walking along Greenbelt 4 and 5.


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