Jan 30, 2009

My Mobile History.com Part 1

I've been using mobile phones for about 8 years now and just like me, you probably owned several models being it a commodity nowadays than luxury. This is a quick rundown of my mobile phone history, not to many actually.

My very first phone was the Nokia 3310, I brought this phone, August 2001 after my 3rd monthly salary. It cost at about 8,000 Pesos that time which was a bit expensive but since it was one of the hottest phone in the market and almost everyone where using it, I did not hesitate buying one. The most attractive feature of the device was the Snakes game, 3310 was one of the early Nokia phones to have a gaming platform, and it was the hottest game at that moment. The form factor was also a big factor of its success being the smallest, most of the mobile phones that time where bulky and heavy and 3310 offers a cool new look and touch. After a year and a half of heavy usage, I lost it in a motorcycle stint, I was riding rear side at the back of the driver and somebody text me, took it out, I wasn't able to sleeve it back properly in my pocket and boom, it slip away, gone. It was my very first heartbreak. c", It was like 70% of my life was lost and it took me a week to recover haha.

My second phone was the Nokia 3510, a candybar phone that I brought second hand in Cagayan De Oro, Limketkai Mall. It was like love at first site, I like the design, it has a bigger screen and soft keypad, best of all its Polyphonic, one of the emerging feature that time. The games, it has one of the most advance gaming flatform at that time with the likes of Kart Racing, Bumper, Space Impact 2, Dance2Music, Link5 and added features like Animated Screensavers, Picture messaging among others. I was using this phone for almost two years and loving every inched of it.

My third phone was the Smart Amazing Phone, a postpaid service device exclusively distributed by Smart Communications. It was known to be the HTC Tanager outside the country, a windows mobile device with 65thousand color resolution, 3G, expandable memory and a detachable camera. It was one of the coolest phone that time being one of the first device that carry those specs. It was my girlfriends phone (ex-girlfriend now) and she handed it down to me because shes about to work abroad and wanted me to continue her postpaid plan. I was very happy owning this device, kinda like being one of the coolest dudes in town, you know what I mean. This phone also introduce me to the world of customization and become one of the active member in airfagev.com, a website that specifically created for windows mobile users that houses free themes, ringtones, software and games. Unfortunately, my 6months old nephew played with it and drop it, thanks to her mother who gave it to her as a toy while I wasn't around, and it was never been fixed, they say it was a motherboard problem and can only be fixed if I will buy the motherboard which cost almost the same as brand new. IT also bothered me because my girlfriend might think that I did not took care of it and shes very keen on this stuff.

To be continued.. Stay Tuned!! c",

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