Good Day folks, your probably starting to get used to writing 2009 to fill up date informations by now, its the 3rd day of the year and I am looking forward to the days ahead. Chinese beliefs says that its a good year for me, a rooster dude on the year of the ox, I really hope so, I started the year with a bang! c",
I'm suppose to feature Cebu City's Religious Spots today but due to a hectic schedule and because I don't have much internet access right now because I'm out of town, I wasn't able to write an article about it.Anyways, my post today is about a BUG that circulates in the mobile world called the Curse Of Silence. It caught my attention because believe it or not, I was already a victim of this message bug 2 months ago, your reading it right, 2 months ago. I just woke up one day and couldn't send and receive sms anymore because according to my phones system, I have no memory anymore to complete this tasks yet I have so much memory left on my phone when I check the phone settings. At that moment my memory gauge tells me that of the 120MB internal memory of my Nokia N82, I have only use 70MB something so that would mean I still have a spare of 50MB, how come I coudn't receive or send a message that time when it can only take as little as 10KB per message?
I brought my phone to Globe Telecom in Zamboanga City, Philippines and they reflashed my phone bringing it back to the original setting. Globe didn't tell me the reason why my phone crashed just like that, maybe they don't have an idea yet that time or their concealing it to avoid public attention. After the reflash everything went back to normal.
According to the news, this bug will be sent to a Nokia phone several times until the phone crashed and it's a big puzzle to me as to who sent me that bug and where in the world did he/she got my mobile number. As far as I know, I don't have enemies because I'm a good guy except maybe for Samsung people and freaks whom I attacked several times in this blog due to defective products their selling and that I have owned. I have a strong feeling that their behind that bug and shame on them because I will still continue to condemn their product the most that I can. I'm just telling the truth and that became their problem, TRUTH. Well, I believe Nokia and the Telecom companies have already check on this thats why their publicly discussing it now and the public must not worry about it. Its just a small glitch.
To protect your beloved phone, do not give your number to anybody specially your enemies. c",
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