One of the most unused feature I have on my Nokia N82 is the Nokia Location Tagger, its photo geotagging application. I haven't really been using it because I oftenly forgot to turn it on. I know its a great tool being a software that can track the location of my taken photos and having it separated from the camera's main menu, its often forgotten by users. How I wish they can incorporate this application in the camera specially in the Automatic option.With Nokia Location Tagger, you can automatically tag your location data to your pictures. As you take a picture, your GPS coordinates are saved to the EXIF header of the JPEG file. You can use this data later, for example, to locate your pictures on a map.
Location tagging functionality has now been productized, and Nokia Location Tagger will not be further developed as standalone application.
What can we do with the tagged pictures? You can upload them to the photo sharing sites, such as Flickr, Panoramio, Picasa Web and now Nokia's very own Ovi service, so that your friends know where the pictures were taken. As you can see in this picture, the photo that I've taken and geotagged was displayed on the map, right side of the image.
If you want to keep them private on your PC, some photo organizer applications, such as Picasa (combined with Google Earth), are able to display location information.
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