Nokia N82's camera power is a given fact, well recognized and multi-awarded, and one of the best in the market at the moment but how far do we know about its features and settings as camera? Not much I guess, on my part, I'm like, fun of using the Automatic set up, no fuss, yet it can yield awesome result.One of the most missed feature I would say is its Color Tone capability where in you can customize color tone of your images like setting it up to Sepia, Black & White, Vivid or Negative. You may ask then about the importance of this feature?
Artistically speaking, this is one of the most important aspect in masterpieces and obras since a balance of several elements is a most to create a perfect image or scenery, otherwise its going to be a visual noise. Drama is important to capture audience curiosity and interest and Colour Tones can help express this scenario.
So next time you took a picture and want to create something different and artistic, access Colour Tone menu on the camera screen of your Nokia N82 and express your creativity. Its worthwhile doing something different every once in awhile.
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