08:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, September 27, 2009
Woke up with a hang over? Nope c", I have a big tolerance to that, just wasn't able to wake up early for the first Sunday mass schedule and it was to late for me rather for the second so I just opted for the afternoon mass in Ozamis City Cathedral alone unless one of my friends will accompany me. Sent a few SMS using my Nokia 5530 XM of course, but nobody replied, they might still be sleeping until now. Then, opened my Nokia Messaging application to check emails and Gravity to check tweets.I was just on an hour mark from tickling the phone and browsing the web when the phone bugged down again and restart with the same scenario that of last night, restarting consecutively not until I took off the battery and do a fresh restart. It was devastating since it wasn't just a glitch as I suspected it to be but a bug, or worst, a defective phone! It did start fine but another problem crop up, several slots on my Contact bar went empty and I cant edit or add another contact to replace it. I then decided to do a hard reset to bring the contacts back to shape, a tediously annoying experience to undergo since it would mean going back from the start! The phone went back again to normal with the expense of re-syncing my contacts again, reinstalling several applications, reorganizing my menu and playlist etc., which took me the whole morning to do.
13:00, UTC/GMT 8+, September 27, 2009
Went to Ozamis City to take a breather, paid my phone and Internet bills, brought some items and spare an hour to hear a mass at the cathedral where the move to raise funds for the Manila flood victims was raise, a good cause, "Bayanihan" spirit that our forefathers championed for decades, reaching out hand in hand to the people in need.
And yes, its another opportunity to flaunt my bombarded Nokia 5530 XpressMusic to the public, haha. The phone seemed to be okay with Sms and Calls coming in and out without showing any irregularities.
20:00, UTC/GMT 8+, September 27, 2009I was resting on the veranda of our house enjoying the coolness of the windy night with a cup of coffee and checking the happenings around the globe through the phones web browser when another problem pop out destroying the relaxing moment, the phone hanged while I was opening the Nokia Email client! Gez! I have no other choice again but to restart the phone but this time taking the battery off right away to avoid consecutive restarting like what happens before. The phone booted fine but the phone still hangs everytime I opened the Nokia Messaging Client an its like I restarted the phone 5x and still nothing happen! Whats a big mess! I never encountered this problem before on my Nokia N82! I then decided to remove the Nokia Messaging Client and reinstall it, then everything went back to normal again.
What a phone! I'm planning to have this check with Nokia Service Center in Cagayan De Oro City because I'm 100% sure that this phone is not well. Must be a factory defect or something because again, I never encounter this problems before with my Nokia N82 and my other Nokia phones, or maybe that the firmware of this phone is just buggy being newly release. Whatever it is, I'm loving and hating this phone at the moment.
With the phone breaking down for about two days in a row, I wonder whats in-store for me tomorrow or the next day? Stay Tuned to find out!
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