Go Negosyo Biz Ideas
No matter what type of business you run and manage, it is almost certain that mobile telephony plays an important role when dealing with customers and business partners. And with the mobile phone becoming part of the everyday life for millions of people across the world, the ability to communicate by phone across the country and even all over the globe is no longer anything out of the ordinary.
Despite this, many businesses are still missing out on the huge potential benefits of using mobiles phones as a part of their business.Nokia recently teamed up with Go Negosyo for GO NEGOSYO BIZ IDEAS, an advocacy on Filipino entrepreneurship, for aspiring businessmen and entrepreneurs by exclusively providing fresh ideas and tips on business every week to Ovi Mail users.
Ovi Mail is an email service that gives you a personal digital identity, and provides first-time email users the opportunity to set up and start using an email account (username@ovi.com) right on their mobile phone. Ovi Mail is a secure and spam-free personal email service designed especially for Nokia Series 40 devices. Mobile phone users who have any of the more than 40 Ovi Mail-optimized devices* can set up their email account for free within a few minutes, and start using the account right away. They can choose to create a new Ovi Mail account or activate email for an existing Ovi sign-on profile.
Go Negosyo's Joey Concepcion is a staunch believer that mobile technology can help propel one's business into new heights. He shares his insights on the importance of its many benefits that help in making a huge impact on your business.
How can mobile technology enhance your business?
Mobile technology can do wonders in your business. Not only in increasing efficiencies in communicating with your team, clients, customers and suppliers, but in improving productivity as well. For example, one need not stay in his work place to receive and send emails and download attachments. I have been downloading several ad studies, product designs and concepts or inventory and sales reports submitted to me and am able to send comments and feedback at once which means no waiting time and quicker turnaround on outputs.
We all know that mobile technology and getting online anytime, anywhere allows us also to tap the limitless marketing potential of our products, as well as search for material requirements in our business anytime. That's the wonder of mobile technology in our business - it can be the factor that will set you apart from your competitors who are not yet into it.
Why introduce Go Negosyo BIZ IDEAS with Ovi by Nokia?
We believe that Go negosyo BIZ IDEAS will be very useful to Ovi users. Through Ovi, users can access tried and tested Negosyo tips from our country's successful entrepreneurs who have shared their stories and learnings in our forums and books. We have gathered over 250 inspiring stories and sets of Negosyo learnings and tips that we are excited to share with users.
Go Negosyo BIZ IDEAS in Ovi is one the products of our partnership with Nokia that helps modernize entrepreneurship education in our country. We are glad that Nokia-Ovi is taking the initiative to join the advocacy of teaching and empowering the Filipinos to be enterprising.
To subscribe to this program, an Ovi Mail user has to send his subscription request from his Ovi Mail account to gonegosyo@ovi.com. He also needs to provide some personal info in the format NAME/GENDER/AGE/MOBILE NUMBER/YES (e.g. Juan dela Cruz/Male/22/09123456789/Yes) within the email body he sends to gonegosyo@ovi.com.
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