After the ecstatic meet and greet with Nokia's Mini Flagship Series device racking up a positive first impression, my Day 1 with the N97 Mini was all fascination, tinkering and discovering as it was again another whole new mobilephone experience for me. I was never been so impress before with a phone on first sight before the Mini, call it a power punch. The User Interface was familiar since I got to use the Nokia 5530 XpressMusic sporting the same interface but I know there were tons of add on the Mini since it is no other than an NSeries Flagship.
13:30 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, December 02, 2009Got the package from DHL Ozamis City, they texted me at around 10AM earlier but I was on a meeting that ended up at around 12:30PM so I wasn't able to pick it up right away. It was in the DHL office that I unwrap the package and grab the phone for the first time that also serve as my first flaunting to the viewing public. hat was how excited I am with it, c", I didn't even come back in the afternoon to finish the meeting and went home right away to play with it.
What I notice right away was its pocketable size, it really feels great on the hand, I can even grip it perfectly that my thumb can extend beyond the screen and as far as I can remember, I cannot do this with my brothers 5800 XpressMusic.
14:30 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, December 02, 2009I was already in the house and start my tinkering, the User Interface was very familiar, its the same User Interface with my 5530 XpressMusic but has tons of add ons, first noticeable difference, responsiveness of the interface and the phones amazing haptic feedback. If I am to gauge it, its half as fast and I don't even have to press the screen hard to launch a command. The kinetic scrolling was present on the 5530 XpressMusic but its not as smooth as the Mini. The widgetize homescreen of the N97 Mini levels up its attractiveness and its very easy to customize. The phone though has few widgets to add up on the screen and it has no local widgets unlike that of the N97's that was brought locally but then I can always add more via Ovi Store.
15:30 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, December 02, 2009
Still on Euphoria, I couldn't believe I'm holding the phone that I desire the most. The skide mechanism of the phone is not as solid as that of E75, it feels like I need to be careful opening and closing the slide eliminating my E75 fab of snapping the slide in and out when I'm not doing anything, nut thats only me though, I knew the slide mechanism of this phone is well built and can stand harsh condition.
Icons, I will definitely rearrange this to preference, as usual, I find the icon set up confusing and unproductive but that would be tomorrow after the video shot, yes! I'm making a video for this phone, woo exciting! c",
19:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, December 02, 2009I'm back to tickering the phone after socializing around the neigborhood. Downloaded and Installed my favorite 3rd party applications like Gravity, PixelPipe, Opera Mini 5, Bolt, j1ck.tweet, Super Screenshot, Fring among others. The eMail client of this phone is not pre-installed, meaning, its the client that can be downloaded from the Ovi Store, Remember my rants about the client on my Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, well the phone thankfully is Nokia Email friendly, I didn't have problems running it on the device except the Gmail where it accumolates 50 Mails on the All Mail Folder and it seemed that all my deleted files from the Inbox goes here and not on the Trash Folder. Its a bit annoying actually because you need to delete email twice before seeing this on the Trash File for emptying.
Gravity, again like the other S60V5 phones I've tried, the Timeline is limited, meaning, you cant read older tweets beyond the 30 mark, this is why I'm using j1ck.tweet first to go over my older tweets after going online before using Gravity. The rest of the night was spend on surfing, checking eMails, chat and tweeting. The huge screen of the N97 Mini really makes web browsing more enjoyable and this would mean disassociation with my laptop for the next 14 days.
Generally positive Day 1 experience on the Nokia N97 Mini, well it be a reverse scenario tomorrow? Stay tuned to find out!
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