Feb-perfect, another phone will be visiting the tinsel town, the ever stylish, ever famous business phone Nokia E72 from the shockwave multitude organization WOM World Nokia! Geez whiz, a perfect Valentine’s tool, now all I need is a date! Hahaha! (Call me Paula Taylor, you have my number!)I am a lucky guy I would say, it was only a month ago that I have tried my dream phone Nokia N97 Mini, the best and the most stylish touchscreen phone to date, now I got to try another dream phone from Nokia’s hardline business line up, the most stylish and powerful QWERTY candybar to date on the palm of my hand.
I’ve always been very vocal about my crave for E72, not only that it has a killer look and power specs to drool upon but it is the only device in the market at the moment that converge business, photography and entertainment, the perfect combination that defines my lifestyle. It also plays within my reachable price point summing everything up to become the best upgrade of choice.
I’m suppose to buy this phone about 3 weeks ago but I lend my budget for it to a friend in need due to an emergency situation amidst my ever dyeing excitement for it, and promised to pay me back within the month’s end giving me more than 7 weeks logged but destiny made a way to repay my small good act by bringing the phone earlier than expected through a free trial for about two weeks, a good karma in disguised! Another reason to be thankful about was that three weeks ago, the store price of this phone is still PhP18,400, now it have dropped to its final resting price bracket of PhP16,400 saving me PhP2,000, imagine that for a spare! Good acts really pay two folds in unexpected ways.
Anyways, I have a very high expectation for this phone out of the good feedbacks and reviews I’ve read and heard from early users and owners, but will it stand within its reputation or will it fail? Stay tuned to find out! Transit time will be in a week’s time, operation spot the DHL truck is on! Haha! I can’t wait! Wohoo! c”,
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