Ever wondered why you have to tote around a scientific calculator AND a mobile phone for performing the simplest of calculations? At Tamoggemon’s, we wondered – and created TouchCalc Lite.TouchCalc is developed specially for touchscreen usage. Large keys make entering computations easy, and various input assistance features make accessing the wide library of supported functions easy. Nokia N97/N97 mini users furthermore benefit from a keyboard-optimized view. Formulas and terms can be entered into the program as they are written in the real world – for TouchCalc, 5+5*5 is 30 and not 50.
Five memory banks allow you to store and retrieve results of calculations with but two clicks. Of course, their values are persisted even on power-off.Finally, TouchCalc Lite contains a high-performance graphing engine which can plot each and every function supported by TouchCalc in blazing speed and amazing clarity. Ever wondered how a sine looks? TouchCalc knows…
TouchCalc Lite can be purchased for 3 Euros via the Ovi Store (http://store.ovi.com/content/23527); a version for Sony Ericsson‘s phones will be made available in the near future.
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