A plaque of blistering barnicles, power interruption up to 4 hours a day due to El Nino phenomenon, a lame excuse for the failure of the Philippine government to address the looming power crisis that was predicted by experts long ago.Its a given fact that demand of electricity have significantly increase for the past years yet our source of energy remains the same or have even degrade to its least possible capacity yet our government did not find ways to find alternative source but instead keep themeselves busy in finding ways to steal government funds leaving the public suffer from the consequence.
How many El Nino phenomenon have there been in the past yet it was only today that the power consumption was affected and how many natural calamities do we need to endure before the government could act on the problem.
The solution lies within ourselves, if we change our ways, if we don’t let our government steal, if we put the right people to run our nation, someone who have the will and the heart for change, someone who have no history of corruption, someone who will stand with the people. We most vote wisely in this coming election, it's the only we could attain the dreams we longed for our country.
We must also start saving power and energy, its depleting to unimaginable rate, as simple as unplugging your phone charger from the socket after use or by setting your phone to a power saver mode could extend the battery life and will make a huge difference. We must also support companies that practice green living like Nokia, it’s the number one company in the world that supports energy conservation. An apt they were seriously considering.
It’s never too late when we talk about change, it’s just there waiting for us, all we need is the desire to attain it.
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