Nov 12, 2010

Nokia N8 On Superman Mode Againsts Abuses

As I mentioned on my hardware review, the Nokia N8 is physically solid with its anodized aluminum frame work and Gorilla glass front panel. The people of Nokia Conversations literally tested its compactness and filmed it for everyone to see.

Witness how the phone survive in the following torture test:

* Extreme weather: Use special machines to expose the phone to extreme temperatures from around -40°C to +85°C, helping them to withstand conditions from the cold of the arctic circle to the heat of the Sahara desert.

* Humidity: Test for use in tropical and humid parts of the world by placing devices in a special chamber for several weeks where they will experience humidity levels as high as 95%.

* Clothing: When we carry devices in our back pockets they may bend when we sit down or rub on trouser fibres. The test simulate these effects with special machines that bend and twist the device, and one that uses a real pair of jeans to test friction and wear and tear.

* Pockets: Devices are often in bags or pockets with other items like keys or coins, so the phone was place in a special “shaker” machine with hard particles to see how resistant they are.

* Buttons: People press the main keys on their device an average of 200-300 times every day. To ensure the keypads can respond to this level of use, keys were press up to one million times in the lab.


that's all well and good, but let's see the drop test on some concrete huh.

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