Mar 8, 2011

Movie Scene That Might Have Inspired The Nokia and Microsoft Alliance

Character 1: The old was palpable

Character 2: Was it?

Character 1: I presume our understanding is still valid? Control of the city? A sizable request I know but a seemingly fitting compensation, don’t you think?

Character 2: How long have you been searching for this? A thousand cycles? Just imagine the secret it holds. The master key to any and old, the riddles of the grid, but there something else to, wasn’t that? I’ve heard a chatter about this private initiative

Character 1: I realized that alliance is at times uneasy but always necessary, you know you need me right, where I am

Character 2: Of course your right

Character 1: Enjoy the drink

So which movie was the scene or conversation taken? Clue... It’s a recent movie shown not more than 6 months ago and it’s a very important movie of one of the two companies.

And which character is Nokia or Microsoft? You’ll be the judge. Happy guessing! c”,


This is really very good information. Thanks
galaxy tab

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