According to Ovi Store's latest estimates, it had now reach 5,000,000 downloads per day of its more than 40,000 live applications and contents, that's how huge the store is when it comes to number of searchable contents and how difficult it is for users to find applications that would best suit their mobility needs, well Nokia found a great solution to make things a lot easier via topApps.topApps will search, recommend and review the best and most popular contents in Ovi Store by featuring more specific categories, by listing staff picks and by featuring reviews of apps from Ovi Daily App Blog, a site that reviews applications written by real people who happen to work for Nokia and very much independent from developers influence.
Users get to know the best and popular applications on several categories detailing why they fit best in the said category. Popularity of applications often relates to its usability and applicability, for the app to identify in such manner would give an opportunity for others to explore and discover its full capability.
The Staff picks is also a good feature because it gives users ideas on which apps were truly usable since Nokia people use it themselves.
The current Ovi Store set up provides only limited description of its application with no instruction on how to use it whatsoever, the last feature of the app, the Reviews, fulfills this by giving users an overview of what they can expect with the application and how it generally works. I admit, I'm one of the users who download apps and uninstall them right away because I cant figure it out, well this feature will definitely change everything.
What I like best though is the apps capability to identify the finest local applications in my area. These applications are often than not, very much related to users needs. Here in my country, we only have 4 stellar applications listed and most of them had been featured in the blog because of its relevance and usability.
Other apps category includes, Best for Business for business related apps, The Silver Screen for movies or videos, Entertainment, Shutterbug for camera related apps, Top Free Games, Hot HD Games, App Academy for educational apps, Call Connect Chat for social apps and Jukebox for music related apps.
I really recommend this app because it had help me a lot and I definitely believe that it can also help you find the best apps for your mobilephone. So what are you waiting for, download the application now, CLICK HERE!
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