Apr 15, 2009

My Nokia N82 Starts To Aged!!

I never expected this to happen, the Silver color that surrounds the DPad area starts to fade leaving a black scar (inset image on the right) that looks disturbing. This started for about 2 weeks now with just a thin streak line on the right side of the Pad, unfortunately it vehemently got bigger as days pass by and as you can see, its now very visible spreading further down affecting the lower part of the Pad. Its very obvious that Nokia just painted this part here with silver from an original all black Pad and now its starting to peel off. I prefer the silver to peel of totally so the black underneath cover remains which I think doesn't look bad at all. It will even bring a new look to the device, a more attractive one since more black color comes out and I love black.

Another fading scenario I've noticed, perhaps the most disturbing, was at the back of the phone particularly on the Silver area that surrounds the 5MP Carl Ziess Camera and the Xenon Flash, as you can see in the picture, the dark silver coat on the upper left part and the right corner is peeling off leaving a white cheap looking plastic underneath. What makes this alarming is the possibility for it to spread to the entire area thus removing the Prints which describes the Mega Pixel and Xenon flash capability of the phone. Okay it wont make a difference on the perform ace of the phone but it will surely look cheap making an impression to others that the phone is a Chinese Clone, specially that this clones have been proliferating here in the Philippines. I don't want to be regarded as a supporter of Clone products because I value Intellectual Property rights and this clones should be stopped and banned at ones.

I also learned from another Nokia N82 user that the color underneath the soft key can also be peeled of in due time thus showing a dreadful look specially at night. Without the color underneath this soft keys, lights from the phone will escape making this spot too bright to look at. Worst thing is that we cannot protect this since its coated underneath and the only way to prevent this is by not pressing it often which is beyond possibility.

I believe Nokia intended all this to happen so users will be force to buy Original Casing replacement or for the users to shift to Nokia's expensive new products thus rifting more money. Its business and they have to thrive. I wish I would have covered this parts right from the start like have it G-Mask or something to protect it, but unexpected things happen when you less expect. To late for now on this phone but something to watch out for in my upcoming Nokia phone upgrades.

And for those who just recently bought their N82 and plan to use it for quite sometime, may this post serves as a warning. As much as possible, cover your phone with a leather case, crystal case, a silicone case or G-Mask to counter scratches and peel offs. I had used this protective casings before but I lost them all unfortunately leaving my phone vulnerable. Be ready than sorry.


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