A color can identify your character, can predict what you are and what you like in life, does this sounds familiar to you? Well it sure does, this have been a 2nd time that I encounter this kind oof test, the last time though, cant barely remember the name obut it surely did struck me, it was like a window to myself, explains how I see things and all were true in a sense, maybe!This time, with this website: http://vn247.net/flash/Color-and-Me.swf
But its more of a game than a personality check and this is how it rate me.
1. You have little interest in your financial investments. You are not driven by material wealth and prefer to see where destiny takes you. (Wrong, I love business and investments, wealth is synonymous to happiness for me ;-) just kidding haha)
2. Preferring a more casual appearance, you are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than in a suit. You don't like over dressing for any occasion, although you never look scruffy. (True, but sometime I dress up to score c",)
3. You are aggressive in business, but tend to take the backseat when it comes to your personal life. You are more comfortable talking about work than relationships. (This is a contradiction to number 1)
4. In your mind, the image your friends have of you is very important. You like to have the latest brands and are prepared to invest a lot of your money in quality and expensive possessions. (True for the friendship thing but so not true to brand preference, I like best value stuff, quality and affordability must go hand in hand)
5. Business often takes priority to social occasions. You are aggressive in business, but tend to take the backseat when it comes to your personal life. (Reaffirm my number 3 answer)
6. For you, friendship is an extension of business. Your care and attention is given only when it helps your personal situation. (So not true, I have the best friends in the world whom I share thoughts, happiness, sorrow and pain)
Try this game yourself and share your thoughts c",
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