Well, well c", How about a hug and wishes to everyone. Finally its 2009 and I hope you were able to sleep well last night after all the parties and celebration. I haven't really had the best New Year this year because I was away from home but everything is okay, I have a bit of fun with everyone around me.Okay, New Year.. I have a long list of New Years Resolution and I'm going to share with you some.
1. Diet. I have to watch everything I eat because I have gained weight this past few months, my heaviest so far?!?
2. Exercise. I gain weight basically because I don't exercise anymore. My dumbbells and running shoes have been dusted already because I haven't used them for months.
3. Make friends with everyone specially to the people who hurt me. Hahaha my ex-girlfriend to be exact, I just hate her this past few months and I want to change that because I want to grow emotionally.
4. Go to church regularly. I haven't really been going to church every Sunday lately and I want to change that this year. I need spiritual reborn to get my life back.
5. Spend less. My spending has gone twirling for the past months, maybe because I have the freedom now to buy anything I want. I need to change that and put value in every penny I earn.
And so much more.. I love life and to be able for life to love me back, I have to win against the audacity in life and what time do I need to start this best? New Year! Wish me luck friends. c",
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