Jul 16, 2009

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince. Now Showing!

Just a small movie snap folks specially dedicated to Filipino Harry Potter fans and movie enthusiast, Harry Potter's 6th installment, The Half Blood Prince will be shown today in theaters within the metro and some other major cities around the country. Yes I am a big fan of Harry Potter books but not much of the movie, in fact I have already read the eBook version of the Half Blood Prince. Of the 5 version of the film, I only watch 3 and will be watching the latest installment due to the exciting plot and twist. I just wish the movie will give justice to the story.
Anyways, Here are some excerpt images from the movie:

The movie has already been making big waves in US and UK with several fans lining up in movie theaters when it opened yesterday. I even read comments on Twitter about full house theaters on the midnight of July 15th, somewhat like a special screening something, crazy enough to me, why not wait for regular screening hours. The movie is at the moment is the most popular topic on twitter.

For the Trailer of the Box Office Movie in the making, CLICK HERE!


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