I stumbled upon this question on the web being thrown by Mark Guim of thenokiablog website and thought of answering it upfront since I find it interesting. It tackles about the evolution of mobile technology and how humanity adopt to it.
What is Mobile Computing to you?
Mobile Computing according to wikipedia is the ability to use technology while moving as oppose to portable computers which are only practical for use while deployed in a stationary configuration. Quite a simple explanation to grasp noting that what it signify is only computer technology on the move but its more than that in reality, it comes with personal perspective and suggest a higher significance to everyone's lives....Mobile computing for me means a lot, I could site basic aspects of computers use like being able to do word processing on the go, do mathematical computations among others but with the dawn of cyber and internet era, I could say that mobile computing will be redefine in this very area of technology and innovation and will be correlated with every aspect of what it does, communicating, entertaining, sharing, relating, informing, learning in a worldwide scale, whatever, wherever he/she might be in the world. With this, I could say that Mobile Computing means being informed with the latest news, events and happenings around the globe, knowing the weather at the very moment, updated with the rise and fall of stocks, mindful of the things that matters.
Mobile Computing would mean being able to communicate with friends, love ones or just about anybody wherever they are in the world, knowing their thoughts and opinions, sharing their ideas, helping people decide, make a difference in other peoples lives, expressing oneself, making the most of what is regarded as the most powerful tool in the world, communication.
Mobile computing would mean being entertain, to be able to watch NBA finals via live stream or watch my favorite television programs and youTube channels anywhere I am and at my most comfortable position, to be able to know the current movies being played in theaters, to be able to download the Billboard Top 10 hits or play the most fab online games giving emphasis on one of the most important aspect in life, fun.
Mobile computing would mean unlimited knowledge upfront, to be able to answer the hardest question that your professor asked about or the simplest inquiry made by a young child about how life works, to be able to know your very existence and how it connive with evolution. As what they commonly say, Knowledge is Power!
Mobile computing would mean life of indifference, bridging different cultures and traditions in an instant, connecting and understanding people that could help prevent world destruction, save mother earth and promote World Peace as it address the very reason of misunderstanding, Distance, Gap.
And the list could go on and on! c",
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