Nokia press team recently sent me this video created to promote Ovi Services in the Philippines which featured the Top Bloggers in the country. Only encounter one of them though to be honest, abuggedlife site, but I believe this sites have been in the blogosphere for quite sometime now, its just that I'm living in the caves for long time that I have not seen them lurking around, haha!Yes I use Ovi myself right from the very start, aside from the fact that I am a Nokia Fanatic, Ovi services offers top notch features which covers almost all aspect of modern life from basic connectivity solutions like Mail, Contacts, Calendar, File Management and Share Online to day to day useful applicationstions like Maps and Navigation, Music and download Store among others, Nokia covered it all and suite them into one, Ovi!
I just don't like the "I Ovi" theme they use in this video though because it signifies something else, the Apple's "I" notion. Anybody who have no idea what Ovi is would definitely think its an Apple application, a clout that Nokia should avoid being caught into. Better change this and create a more unique theme Nokia!
Curious about what I'm ranting about, watch this video!
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