17:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, September 25, 2009
Receive a precious gift from the Nokia Conversations Team. It was a static moment as I describe it to be in my First Impression article. Transferred my Smart Sim right away from my Nokia N82 and run the Device Update feature on the Phone Management/Settings menu to check if I'm running the latest firmware, the phone has the v10.0.50, the most recent firmware to date.Head towards the Switch feature of the phone afterwards to import my Contacts, Messages, Calendar entries among others. I actually consider this a technological marvel since it spared me from the tedious manual transfer that I did when I upgraded from Nokia 6233 to Nokia N82 a year ago. Kudos Nokia! Next stop, the phone's SW Update feature to check if there were software updates available for the time being and it did have one, Flash Lite was updated to v3.1, I'm expecting a seamless .flv file viewing for this.
19:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, September 25, 2009
Operation Customize begun. First up, the Contacts Bar, filling up the 20 available slots with the most important people in my life; family, friends, business contacts and my witch neighbor hahaha. Then the upload and installing frenzy immense with several free applications to complement the phone's overall usage. Important applications installed includes, Nokia Ovi Store, Nokia Messaging Client, Music DJ, Gravity (Trial Only, waiting for nokiapp.com to send me a registration code which I won weeks ago) Nimbuzz, Opera Mini 5 Beta among others.
After application add on, comes the inevitable, organizing the Menu to the best possible non-confusing set-up as this phone have chaotic system particularly in the Applications category.
As seen on the Screen Shot, I added several folders to group applications base on usage.
- Start Up folder contains all the icons that can be seen on the Homescreen like the Clock, Calendar, Contacts, Calculator, Massaging and File Manager.
- The Log gains a slot on my Menu because I have an abnormal habit of checking my log every now and then to check the minutes spent on my previous calls and number of sms sent.
- Camera folder contains related apps such as the camera icon and the free application ScreenSnap that allows you to take images of your phones screen.
- Settings and Gallery Icons where here as well due to its huge importance.
- Internet icon folder contains everything web related. I currently have the following icons on the folder; Ovi Store, Nokia Messaging Client, My Nokia, Opera Mini 5 Beta (love this), Gravity (crazy for this, 10 Days trial), Nokia Web Browser, Nokia Search and Resco News Reader (trial version).
- Tools folder contains the following icons; Help, Switch, Welcome, Settings Wizard, Accessory Set Up, SW Update, Email Setup, Download.
- Applications contains everything apps of course.
- Social IM folder has the following features, everything related to Social Networking; Share Online, Facebook, Nimbuzz, MySpace, Symbook, Friendster.
- Games Folder has the two free games ported with the phone, Bounce and Global Racing Thunder. I added a free application Paint Pad.
- Music Folder contains the Music Player, Radio, Nokia Music Store, Podcasting, Music DJ (love this) and Recorder.
Video folder has the Video Centre, Real Player and youTube Mobile Client.
21:00, UTC/GMT 8+, September 25, 2009.
Started the Code MT or the Music Transfer. I have more than 170 files on board N82 and copying everything to the 5530 was a swift! The rest of the night was spent creating my Playlists, configuring the best combination of songs base on genre. Tried also the Music DJ that profiles my music tracks base on modes with information access from the web, give you my feedback and impression on this soon.
23:00. UTC/GMT 8+, September 25, 2009.
Check my Email, RSS Feeds and sent my very first few Tweets using the new phone and retired for the day. Chronicle continues, Stay Tuned!
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