If Day 1 was a charm, Day 2 was winsome, N97 Mini works perfectly well for me serving my mobilephone and web connectivity needs. I only have a small problem, I cant seemed to take my eyes off it and I tend to open the phone with QWERTY slide out even if I'm walking, why?
06:30 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, December 05, 2009Waking up with my Nokia N97 Mini for the second time and yes I'm out of bed early because I'm leaving for Zamboanga Peninsula.
My morning routine as usual, TET (Text, eMail, Tweet), though I'm out of WIFI at the moment, I was still able to do my routine web check as connectivity was never a problem with the Mini, it flawlessly connect to every possible means, EDGE, 3G, etc., name it you have it.
07:30 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, December 05, 2009
Breakfast! "Bulad" (Dried Fish), egg, coffee and my N97 Mini as my morning paper checking every news site. I found a widget for Inquirer.net, one of or local news agency here, hope Nokia will come up with widgets for all local news site so I wont have to go to the phones browser every time I want to access them.
08:30 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, December 05, 2009
Left the house for a 4 hour travel, weather is sunny according to my Accuweather widget but its cloudy outside, yikes! c", Got a full battery gauge, perfect set up for a battery test.
Already hooked up the phones MP3 player with EDGE running on the background as I subscribe to the Smart Unlimited Twitter service before leaving the house. Lets see how far this phone can go. I really hate the mobile Twitter client that covers this unlimited service, its as dry as my jokes! haha c",
09:30 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, December 05, 2009I won't deny it, the phone was really a head turner and since I'm using my phone as an MP3 player and I'm using my own earbud phone without a handsfree controller, its almost out of my pocket all the time as I scroll music tracks that I would listen to. My seatmate at the bus didn't even hesitate to ask me what phone I was using, I told her its no less that the best mobile smartphone in the world.
The music player of the phone using an earbud headphone is glorious, sound is clear and crisp with a loud bass, its the best music experience I got so far on the phone edging even the music oriented Nokia 5530 XpressMusic. My only qualms was the absence of a hands free detachable controller, it would have better if they attached the headset Remote (AD-54) on it so the users have a free hand to use there preferred headset or better yet out a mechanical music button on every Nokia Touch units.
The GPS didn't seemed to work, I'm fun of using Nokia Maps with GPS locked while traveling but all my attempts failed, maybe its because I'm using a trial unit and at a given circumstances, I got a nit not intended for such, weird.. anybody out there who have the same experience?
11:30 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, December 05, 2009
Reached the city of Pagadian, stroll down the city a bit, by a few stocks and visit my fav places, mobilephone shops! weirdest, haha! If I could branch out to other business, I would really prefer to have my own mobilephone shop selling Nokia phones of course. ;)
Battery update, 1 bar down, 6 bars more to go. It covers almost 3 hours of unlimited music (full blast), few text messages, a single call from one of my staff and EDGE connected constantly to Twitter. My E75 didn't loose any bar being subjected to the same ordeal before so I can safely say that E75 wins this round. The huge screen takes up more power, no doubt.
13:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, December 05, 2009
Left Pagadian City and homeward bound, an hour more of grueling travel. Same set up like before, MP3 player with EDGE. Its no doubt that 3.5G works better than EDGE as I got a more responsive mobile Twitter client in Pagadian.
14:30 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, December 05, 2009Arrive at the hospital and went directly to my office for my untouched work. It's the last of the filing of licenses so I'm a bit freak out, lame haha! By the way, the screen of the N97 Mini fails a bit in direct sunlight though its a lot better than my 5530 XpressMusic, its a far out to be compared to E75's as a result of the resistive screen technology, hope Nokia could address this problem in there future handsets. Battery check, 2 bars spent, 5 bars more to go!
21:30 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, December 05, 2009
Got back to my N97 Mini after finishing my routine check of work files, stocks, etc. Homescreen was really useless without WIFI, I wish internet technology reaches us here soon so I could enjoy seamless connectivity and make use of N97 Mini's full feature. Battery Status as of the moment, 4 bars spent, 3 bars more to go, I therefore conclude that the phone have enough power reserve to last a day, good job!
And so my Chronicle ends today, so far so good for the N97 Mini, just have a little problem with the GPS, i'll try to figure it out, maybe I mess up with the setting or something. The screen's clearness against direct sunlight fall short but other than this, everything seemed to work perfectly.
Full review follows soon, keep tracked!
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