06:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 19, 2010
My Day 2 with the Nokia E72 started early though not as good as expected, fever and severe headache knocks me down, as much as I want to discover the phone more and be productive, I have to lay down and back off a bit, just took a small bite on my breakfast, took some medicines then went back to bed. How I wish Nokia could create a medical application that could predict peoples health the next day base on the activities they did today or perhaps an idiot’s guide that gives the best remedy for simple illness, very possible!
11:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 19, 2010Woke up for the second time around and since I still can’t stand longer, I decided to go through the phone thoroughly and discover more about it. Interestingly I notice that the phone doesn’t pick up telecom signal much than my N82, I have a 2-3 bars on this part of the house with my N82 and E72 just picked up 1, strange, maybe it’s a bug or something but one thing is for sure, I cannot access enough pocket data to open the twitter page and so I have to go out of the house to gain more, oh well my telecom network, Smart is really slow here in my place that’s why I have applied for a Globe line and just waiting for its approval so signal won’t be an issue anymore.
Then again, my usual morning routine, these time letting everyone know that I’m sick, hahaha! Weird! Anyways, there can be no other way to text easier and faster than a QWERTY phone that why I advice everyone who loves texting to get one.
And speaking about fast, E72 is the fastest phone that I tried and you can really see the difference. Opening applications is fast, opening images, my very long playlist or even browsing the web on WIFI or 3G, everything happen in an instant. I even tried to multitask and everything still holds through without slowing down, maybe because the phone memory is not clogged with installed app’s yet and I’m going to get through this in time as I’ll be pushing the phone to its limit, though on the second thought, it will be difficult for me spend the 250MB phone memory, let’s see then, for now, I’m more than amazed, the 600Mhz processor really worked well for the phone.
14:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 19, 2010Took the liberty to do something fun by going to my cousins house which is 2 miles away to borrow his professional camera amidst my troubled health, haha! Well I got bored at home and it’s not really my type to love my illness and so I went out. Part of my plan was to level up my photo’s to be posted on the blog and so I have to use a camera more powerful than my N82’s.
My cousin shared some tips and advices to apt my photo shots but because I’m not feeling well and half awake the entire time, everything didn’t register, sorry couz, all I got was the importance of 3D element on the images, beyond that didn’t count, I’ll take your advices next time, hah!
By the way, his impression on the E72 when I showed it to him, minute buttons which he concludes will be difficult to use, well I do have this hesitations before but having tried it changed everything, the keypad was the easiest among the phones I tried, no if’s, no buts’.
16:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 19, 2010
Back home exhausted that I directly went back to bed, the phone went battery empty as well so I charged it first hand before rushing back to bed. I did turn the phone on at around 14:00 hours yesterday so it lasted for 26 hours amidst a rough 6 hours use of WIFI, 4 hours of browsing using GPRS, 2 hours of music, unaccounted calls and text messages, games, etc, an impressive battery performance here but I cannot yet account this as a battery test since I’m not sure if the battery was fully charge before I strap it in out of the box. I will be conducting this test full hand next time.
19:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 19, 2010Grab my phone again to check a few tweets, eMails, etc. I got a small problem though with my Nokia Messaging Client, I can’t seemed to figure it out, this is actually the first time that I encounter difficulty in setting it up, maybe I’m playing a dumb game again but it doesn’t seemed to work this time. I’m hoping that it was due to the GPRS signal that it refused to connect. I’ll try to get it through with a WIFI signal tomorrow, cross my finger!
The rest of the night was spent taking the first few shoots of the phone using my cousins, Nikon DX Camera with 10MP lens. It really does make a huge difference with images taken from my N82, the camera took a crispier images with a capacity to magnify or zoom in to specific angles without being distorted, dope!
22:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 19, 2010
Call my day off! My fever seemed gone and my headache drained to the kitchen sink as a result of not dwelling much on it, perhaps an advice I can share to the world?
Stay tuned for E72 Journal Day 3!
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