14:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 18, 2010
My E72 journey starts in a DHL office, one Thursday afternoon, though I was kidding about the rolling over the floor as mentioned on my post the other day, the excitement was oozing real as it took me lightning seconds to open the package up revealing the endearing shinny black version.I took it right away to a nearby donut store with a WIFI signal to flaunt to the world, haha, kidding! Well, I don’t have an internet abode so I took the phone to a WIFI zone to access the web and download everything I need to customize it, a norm that I usually do in every new phone I grab into. First on the list, software and firmware upgrade, its best to upgrade everything before installing everything. You can find this feature on the Control Panel > Phone > SW Update.
I usually head down to Ovi Store for the download stuffs, first on the list, twitter client Gravity, Nimbuzz, few themes, games, tones among others. I was surprise to find out that the Store have only few applications for the phone, it doesn’t list most of the applications I’m fun of using like Opera Mini, Skyfire, Bolt, Screensnap, Nokia Step Counter, Nokia Sports Tracker, Nokia Photo Browser, etc. even though its compatible with the phone, perhaps Nokia didn’t know this yet? Hhhmm?
15:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 18, 2010
Made my first tweet to the world using the E72, did you know that it took me 10 minutes to figure how the backspace in the keypad, it’s like one of the highlights of the day, my dumbness, hah! Typing on it was quite difficult for the first time that it took several errors on my first few strokes so the backspace was an inevitable hurdle to counter, I even open the manual to figure it out, hahaha! The good thing thought was that you can easily adopt to the QWERTY set up making me type madly fast in half an hour time, a milestone on my mobilephone career!
What I love about this phone is that don’t you need to slide anything to type with the QWERTY, it’s readily there to ponder, no if’s and but’s. You can even type using one hand which I cannot do with slider phone like E75 or N97 Mini. I also love the responsiveness of the phone, it never logged down even on fast pace typing. Kudos!
17:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 18, 2010Meet and great with the whole family, well, they’ve been used to meeting new phones every now and then but this phone grab’s everyone’s praise and admiration, they love the phones looks and its thin dimension. My semi techy sister falls head over heal for it and plan to buy the cheaper version, the Nokia E63, it’s the QWERTY keypad that she’s up to which is more helpful when writing out dialect, she even asked for a whole day date with the phone which I agreed to consider if she will write her own review of it, watch out for that.
19:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 18, 2010
Skip my night out for today to do a phone run through, prominent change on the menu, the Help icon which contains the Phone Set Up, Tutorial, About and Help wizard, a good move I would say for new users but it would have been better if users have the option to move this folder to other folders so the space could be utilize for more usable ones among old S60 users like me. The Office menu folder now has the Multiscanner and WiPresenter application, something to discover. Then again, I changed the menu upside down converging icons to folder and sub folders I’m used to for easy navigation.
21:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 18, 2010
Wrote my first impression article on the phone itself, E72 has a Quickoffice application that supports a Word Document making it easier for me to transfer the article to a pc, somewhat familiarizing the QWERTY set up also. It only took me several minutes to love the typing mechanism, doing as it feels comfortable and easy, best of all I don’t need to exert to much effort to rich the pads unlike that of the wide QWERTY of E75 and N97 Mini.
23:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 18, 2010Took the time off to watch a TV program that I’m currently hooked into, Queen Seon Deok, a Korean soap, never really expect to like a soap opera ever, I’m more into reality shows like Amazing Race that launch its new season by the way. It was the movielike cinematography and the story that interest me. Yikes!
23:30 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 18, 2010
Retired to bed for the first time with the E72, I’m fun listening to music before going to sleep so I slip on the E72 music player for the first time. It wasn’t very much different from the other Nokia high end phones, has the same set up, same menu, among others, nothing new and it still sounds as great in my own headphone. This is the integration that I was expecting from Nokia, N Series quality on an E Series phone, perfect combination!
The E72 journal Day 1 ends here, I have so much fun with the phone on the first day but can it stand up again on Day 2 or problem starts to set in? Well, let’s find it out together, keep it right here! Chao!
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