Impressed, astonished, freaked out, these were just a few words to describe what I felt when I held the phone for the first time and if I am to compare it with my past phones receive and tried, this was the most bizzare of them all as I made a scene of rolling over the floor at the DHL’s office out of excitement, imagine that! haha c”,Perhaps the most noticeable feature of the phone that sent me to delirium is its form factor, the phone looks incredibly beautiful signifying class and elegance, businessly defined in every angle; the metal contour on the side, the back cover, the shortcut keys among others. It clearly spoke a bold statement of toughness and stability. Holding it is like empowerment, gives an aura of competitiveness, a power of brilliance and success, mindset needed in a competitive business environment. Never thought I could feel this on a mobilephone.
The phones dimension is incredibly thin with length and width perfectly fitting my hand. I know I have mentioned N97 Mini before as the best phone on this department but E72 replace it in full throttle. It’s even lightweight besides its metal contours, I call this the biggest surprise of them all having been used its elder brother E75 which was twice heavier.I have a few doubt about the screen size of the phone before being smaller but it have rather changed significantly, it somehow gave a mirage illusion with how it was designed as the screen seemed huge enough to cover everything I wanted, weird actually since I have used a widescreen phone like the N97 Mini and thought of not being able to used a phone with a lower screen size but E72 counters it full hand. The screen also seemed very vivid and colorful, distinctly noticeable of all the phones that I have used. Mind trick or an engineering marvel?
The shortcut keys where perfectly well placed and well spaced, it doesn’t feel cramped when used compared to E75, just need to get used to its end key position that I use a lot, I keep on messing it out with the eMail key. The QWERTY keypad was rather glorious, it’s spaced good enough to type comfortably. I thought I will have a hard time with it being smallish but I came out better than what I expected. It has even a nice tactile feedback besides its rubber composition, well done! I also need time to get used the keypad structure as it is my first time to used a 4 line QWERTY pad adding up more buttons to used.
Overall, I have never been so impress with a phone on the first take before, if I am to compare my impression with my past phones, E72 topples everyone out, that’s how streaking the phone was and I know it will be difficult for other form factor to beat it down. Perhaps I have found the perfect form factor to settle down with.
As a norm, I will be documenting my experience with the phone for the first 3 days via a journal, find out how it feared on the software side, how it can level of the hardware features specially the add on specs among others. Video run through will follow then the most awaited grand review in two weeks time, Watch this space! For now enjoy this first few images of the Power phone. Fun! Fun! Fun!
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