07:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 20, 2010It’s a perfect Saturday morning to start a photo shot day, the sun is out and it’s not drizzling whatsoever, perfect weather to head out of the house to find a perfect spot, time also to let my creativity juice flow, though I don’t have much to spare.
The super phone is not difficult to shoot, its looks great in all angles, finding the perfect background became my only problem as I don’t have much to consider, I only have the house front yard to cover.
I’m also conducting a battery test for the phone, I fully charged it this morning so let see how far the phone could go with my techy lifestyle. Most of the phones I have and tried would only last for a day and E72 has 1500mAh power capacity so I’m expecting more from it.
09:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 20, 2010
Time for another nose bleeding experienced, writing the E72 journal for Day 2 and Day 3. Loving my blog is like loving life so I don’t care if I lose a pint of blood during the process as long as I can share my experience with the world, isn’t that heroic enough? Yikes, haha!
I did use the phone to write everything up, I find it more convenient than my laptop since I’m free to choose whatever position I like; upside down, sunny side up, scrambled, etc., since its lightweight and I can also carry it wherever I like without worrying for the battery to run out. It can actually become an ultimate mobile blogging device if Nokia will include a picture editing application ala Photoshop or a video editing application like the Windows Movie Maker, possible Nokia? Make it happen!
12:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 20, 2010
Lunch with E72 and a call from Globe Telecom informing me that my Business postpaid line application was approved, so it’s a final hurrah for my Smart Gold line as I am to enjoy unlimited call for only Php299 and a full bar signal in the house, woot! c”, No more going out of the house to make or receive calls. I do advice entrepreneurs to get this package from Globe, it’s no less than the best postpaid package in the country at the moment! You only need to bring a Business Permit, DTI Certificate and Income Tax Return. No Fuss!
13:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 20, 2010Went to Ozamis City to post my First Impression article and the Day 1 journal. Need to do this a lot from now on since I lost my Smart Broadband connection. It’s time consuming and expensive because I have to access the web via an Internet Café but I love my blog so I have to get use to this process not unless Smart Broadband will increase their signal here to cover dead zones, very lame for a company who claim as country’s biggest network, very lame!
Oh well, it also became an opportunity for me to flaunt the phone to world again and visit mobilephone shops to check retail prices. As of the moment, Goldsquare tagged the phone for PhP20,000 while GK Communications sell it for PhP18,900, a big price difference. eBay price is around PhP16,500 from Powesellers so it’s a big advantage if you will buy it from there, just make sure that you will transact with only trusted sellers like me. ;-)
Battery check after 6 hours of regular used, a full bar after a hectic and busy morning, looking great so far here!
16:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 20, 2010
The phones meet and great with my friends and I can sense disbelief on their part. I told them that I’m just lucky to trial another device and luck won’t always be on my side at all times and so I’m just leaving and enjoying every moment and be thankful for the opportunities that were coming my way. I know there also happy because they got the chance to use these devices as well so everyone happy.
The next 5 hours were spent hanging around a friend’s house, unwinding from the busy week that had past. Were more like home buddies now unlike before that we go night outs during weekends, maybe because we grew past those stage and most of us have families of their own, or maybe were just struck with economic crisis and we can’t afford night outs anymore and rather stay home play poker and enjoy each other’s company, truest! c”,
Comments on the phone was unanimously positive, they like the phone’s design and form factor but there quite skeptical about the phone’s QWERTY keypad and the screen size, my iPhone owner bud (yeah he finally got one from Globe even against my criticism over it) don’t like it simply because it’s not touchscreen but he agrees with me that the phone is more powerful and usable than iPhone. Other than the keypad and screen size, they cannot find a flaw on it.
21:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 20, 2010Back home to work on my Journal article again. Battery check after 12 hours of regular use, 2 bars down, though I haven’t use the phone much for texting or call since I’m with my buds since 16:00 hours, I did took several pictures and use the music player with boom box on, it also endure lots of phone browsing being pass from one hand to another, a typical meet and great so it’s rather power consuming. I may be a bit tipsy at the moment due to a slight beer ram up but I’m pretty sure I counted the battery bar perfectly.
I did encounter another problem, but maybe this is a small bug and only case specific since I haven’t read about it on the web, GPS doesn’t seemed to work on the phone, very unusual. I opened the application before I left my friends house and it just didn’t locked my position at all, the maps setting of the phone seemed okay and will have to check it again tomorrow and retry everything, hopefully it will work by then.
23:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+, February 20, 2010
Call the day off! I have so much fun with the phone today, it was more usable and powerful than what I expected and the positive impression remains afloat overall amidst the small bugs. Daily Journal will end today but the phone test continues. Tomorrow will be a great day to test its camera abd video capability, a street dancing completion will be held here in line for the town anniversary celebration, I will be taking a few sample video shoots. Watch for it! Hope you enjoyed the journal, chao! c”,
Update: First Low Bat signal came up at around 10:00 hours, UTC/GMT 8+ the next day and it went empty at around 15:00 hours giving an impressive 32 hour battery life. I will be conducting 2 more battery test before giving my final verdict over it. Watcg this space!
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